The Fastest Way To Build A 700+ Credit Score:

Credit Education

How would a 700 Credit Score improve your life?

Join the class today for only $20 per Month!

**100% Money Back Guarantee - If you go through the entire course and do not learn ONE (1) thing from this material, you get a full refund.**

Secret Of Credit: Mastering The 5 Factors Of Your FICO Score

When you break down your credit score, you will have 5 different Credit Factors to monitor.  Here are the 5 Factors and their importance on your score:

1. Payment History - do you pay on time -- 35%

2. Revolving Utilization - How much Credit do you HAVE vs are you USING -- 30%

3. Age of Credit History - How long have you had credit -- 15%

4. Credit Mix - How many different types of accounts do you have -- 10%

5. New Credit - New Credit Accounts in last 12 months -- 10%

(As you can see, 80% of your score comes from the 3 factors above!)

Are You A Good Fit For This Class?

Let's Take A Brief Survey:

  • How Well Do You Understand Credit 
  • What Does Your Credit Look Like Today
  • What Would Your Credit Goal Be
  • ​What Would You Do With Good Credit
  • ​How Soon Would You Like To Build Good Credit
  • ​Are You Willing To Commit 1 Year To Credit Building

**The Classroom has a completion tracker that allows us to know how much of the course you have completed.

I Teach Credit LLC

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